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NMN/Ginseng for your beloved pets/horses

This category is about 'anti-aging' for animals, especially your beloved pets.
We will introduce specially developed products here in the future.
In particular, it is also about the application: How do I give it to my dog and/or my cat?

Prof. Sinclair, the discoverer of this fascinating substance with incredible effects, NMN (nicotinamide mononucleotide), owes the discovery of this substance to his experiments with mice:

Prof. Sinclair has experimented with many pairs of identical twin mice for his studies on NMN. One of the mice got NMN and the other mouse did not. It is fascinating to see how the two mice differed at the end of their lives: one mouse had shaggy gray fur and she hobbled on the treadmill, the other mouse was absolutely the same age and had absolutely the same genes always had a shiny coat and 'ran like a champion'. THIS is the effect of NMN...

We humans, like mice, are mammals, so it makes sense to extrapolate these fascinating results to humans. But mice and humans are certainly not the only mammals: your beloved dog and/or your beloved cat, but also your beloved horse, they are mammals too, and they too can benefit from the beneficial effects of NMN.
Our managing director, qualified biologist Gesine Mantel, is a behavioral therapist for dogs and the owner of a dog named Cello. Cello suffers from severe mitochondrial disease and he should have died three years ago. But we decided to try NMN on him and the results were 'stunning'.

If you convert Cello's age into human years, then he is now 85 years old and is still alive, but above all he still has 'quality of life': He is interested (curious) and as far as his skills are concerned If he still allows it, he also enjoys the game. 

Read here the success story of cello, the beloved dog of our managing director, Ms. Mantel!

Successful treatment of severe disease (mitochondriopathy) caused by NMN in a pet (dog)

BSc Biology Gesine Mantel, Canine Behavioral Therapist, AFEGA Research Group (2020)

What kind of dog Cello was before the onset of mitochondrial disease and how he changed with this condition:
Very sociable, literally fun-loving, curious and extremely playful, Cello can be described in the basic traits of his nature. He is a great humanitarian, including children. He is enchantingly cuddly and related to everyone he loves. But there is not only kindness in his soul. He has been less friendly towards other males since puberty. Cello sees them as competition, unless they are neutered. If he didn't and didn't have to obey, there would regularly be “clarifications” on the open floor.

However, the Rambo can't be found at all if Cello is a bit spooky. He is afraid of storms, angry human voices or thunderstorms. He brought with him (i.e. inherited) an impoverished microbiome, because the problem turned out to be known in his lineage. After a long odyssey on my part, a laboratory found that Cello completely lacked a number of bacterial strains necessary in the intestine. This explained his lack of appetite, his frequent and severe diarrhea, intolerances and food allergies that had developed in the meantime. With expensive bacterial cultures, which he received regularly, we finally brought Cello into a more stable balance and his digestion calmed down. Only puddle water or eaten wood still led to persistent episodes of diarrhea.
Scientifically, there is a connection between a disturbed intestinal flora and an unstable psyche. This is probably also the case with the cello. Once, a thunderstorm at night gave him bloody colitis!

At the age of about 3.5 years, Cello noticed an increasing physical weakness, his legs trembling when he urinatedn, led to shuffling and sometimes stumbling. No vitamin or mineral booster helped. Blood analyzes were inconclusive, as were heart tests.

At some point, after a long search, the neurological suspicion fell on a disease of the mitochondria. By a fortunate circumstance, the animal pathology departments at the University of Munich were able to place Cello's tissue samples with their human colleagues and, by way of “administrative assistance” evidence of a total failure of complex III in the mitochondrial respiratory chain in Cello was actually provided. Cello is probably the only dog in Germany in which mitochondrial disease has been biochemically proven.

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On the photo you can see the cello's bad condition on walks, which was typical at the time. The patch on the upper arm and the shaved area on the hind leg show the places where the biopsies for the examination at the University of Munich were taken.

So now the diagnosis was there, but no solution yet. Based on human therapies, Cello was given all the dietary supplements in high doses that are usually given with this defect – even after a long time without any noticeable change. His exercise intolerance remained.
In the summer of 2018 he was so powerless that he was only willing to walk steeper paths uphill if he was forced to. On September 12, 2018, he only just managed to jump into my van, which has a step-in height of 57 cm.
We were permanent guests of various veterinarians, because due to the constantly low energy production, damage to various organs in the body was gradually becoming apparent: e.g. cardiac arrhythmia, KCS (keratoconjunctivitis sicca, "dry" eye) and symptoms of dementia.
It became increasingly clear that Cello was showing symptoms of CDS (cognitive dysfunction syndrome = dementia). Now and then he showed no reaction to verbal commands from me. So he once ran unimpressed towards a busy street and didn't react at all to my verbal increases. I had to fall down and hold him, to which he reacted in astonishment. In other words, nothing had arrived in his brain, the signal processing was not working properly. Another time he got his long legs tangled up at the top of a steep, narrow stairway: he was standing four steps up with his front legs and his hind legs still attached to the foot; the stairs. Unhappily he stood there sprawled and couldn't think of a solution strategy for the problem. Because he didn't know what to do, I had to help him. Then he sometimes stopped suddenly in the middle of running and seemed disoriented and lost. If he heard human voices nearby at such a moment, he listened hard, as if he wanted to check whether something there at least sounded familiar to him. My speech didn't get through to him at all, I had to leash him and take him with me. The strongest sign of the onset of dementia was a disorientation that began at night, which made him wander around restlessly and look into corners. After a change of location, he behaved like this during the day in the new place, which he is actually very familiar with.
Luckily, a doctor's advice was very helpful here, as high dosages of Karsivan daily have helped curb Cello's confusion through improved blood flow. But at best a CDS stagnates, Karsivan cannot heal it.

We stumbled upon David Sinclair’s You Tube posts by chance and the reference to mitochondrial strengthening by NMN electrified us. It was very clear: Cello had to and would get NMN! In any case, high doses of vitamins and coenzyme Q10 are already being used in mitochondrial therapy. So it was only logical for us that NMN as a derivative of the B3 could also be considered.
Cello has been receiving NMN since November 2019, now 1.5g a day. Less than 14 days after the first dose, he was already developing an energy rush that took the form of wild “gambling’ immediately noticed by several family members.

His condition in autumn 2019 was so sad that he often just trotted behind on walks. He was no longer interested in males at all (a very bad sign!), females could only get his attention; arouse briefly. Again and again was dhe way back on walks was so difficult that we had to be picked up by car. And if he ran a little too much, there was a high risk of overexertion, so that he ended up “on the ropes” for several days. hung. He didn't want to get to know people's walks any more, it was difficult to get Cello out of the car.

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After half a year of the NMN gift, Cello looks like this:
Anyone who sees him hardly believes that this dog showed symptoms of dementia six months ago! We have not experienced any of the situations mentioned since then. Cello's stress intolerance has improved tremendously. I.e. we go for normal walks again. Cello also runs on the wheel again! He plays, has pranks on his mind, wants to quarrel with males, is a charmer with females – in short, he has come back to life! In the meantime, he also regularly runs at "high speed" without being faint for days afterwards. And foreign routes are as interesting to him today as they were in the past.
Nevertheless, cello will no longer become a high-performance athlete and the disease has not gone away either. If everyday life is different than usual, Cello quickly becomes slow again and is tired. This is typical of mitochondrial patients who are extremely sensitive to stress and react with a loss of strength. But we can take that into account and live with it.
NMN also appears to harmonize digestion. Cello hasn't gotten any bacteria at all for a long time. Evening discomfort that he expressed by panting no longer occurs (I've tried everything to get a grip on it!) and I no longer have to watch out for him walking past puddles without falling out of them drink. Or even if he eats a stick now, we don't immediately have to deal with diarrhea, in contrast to before.
Cello has also become mentally more stable. I used to have to stay with him during a night thunderstorm and steady him so he didn't panic. Now thunderstorms might still unnerve him and my nights are no longer ruined because he manages better.
Due to the severe weakness last fall, Cello had to lie down all the time. He couldn't stand much longer. From this, the berths on the elbows became bare. Many dogs get this much sooner if they lie on hard ground a lot. Cello, on the other hand, never liked to lie down on hard ground, but he had to do this more often last year due to weakness. Since the NMN gift, hair has grown back on his elbows. Everything has grown back now. However, I have the impression that the tissue is better supplied with blood rather than NMN acting like a hair tonic, which makes hair grow better. This is also supported by the fact that the cello has no more skin overall.
Cello will be 7 years old in October. That means 3.5 years of living with mitochondriopathy. I doubt he would be alive without NMN. There was a phase last summer when he found it difficult to walk down the stairs and keep his balance because he was so weak. Now he rushes down the stairs without any coordination problems.

How do I give it to my dog ?

With a good appetite and the guarantee that the bowl is emptied, the NMN can simply be mixed in as a powder. Otherwise, it is advisable to "package" NMN in a tasty morsel and give it separately. Since there is evidence that sublingual intake also increases bioavailability in dogs, it may be worth making the effort to dissolve NMN in water (just enough that NMN dissolves completely) onto the mucous membrane of the mouth. This is most likely possible with the dog lying on its side. To do this, you lift a lip and drip the solution slowly onto the mucous membrane via a syringe.

8 products

  • On Sale

250 g NMN-Pulver (Nicotinamidmononukleotid) in Plastikdose

250g NMN-Pulver,  Reinheit > 99%, CAS 1094-61-7
Lagerung: NMN ist bei Raumtemperatur stabil und MINDESTENS 2 Jahre haltbar.
Wenn Sie mehr als 3 Dosen bestellen, geben Sie bitte beim Checkout den Rabattcode "nmn-1000" ein und Sie erhalten 15% Rabatt auf diesen Artikel.
Und werfen Sie unbedingt einen Blick auf unser neues Produkt: liposomales NMN!

€199,00 €249,00

Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

  • Sold Out

1 kg Trimethylglycin-Pulver (Betain-Pulver) - vorsorglich zu nehmen; wenn Sie NMN nehmen

1 kg Trimethylglycin Pulver (Betain Pulver), CAS 107-43-7


Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

  • On Sale

1 kg NMN-Pulver (Nicotinamidmononukleotid)

1 kg NMN-Pulver,  Reinheit > 99%, CAS 1094-61-7
Lagerung: NMN ist bei Raumtemperatur stabil und MINDESTENS 2 Jahre haltbar.
Bei einer Bestellung von mindestens 3 kg NMN, geben Sie bitte beim Checkout den Rabattcode "NMN-3000" ein und Sie erhalten 10%% Rabatt auf diesen Artikel.

€535,00 €725,00

Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

  • On Sale

50 g NMN-Pulver (Nicotinamidmononukleotid)

50g NMN-Pulver,  Reinheit > 99%, CAS 1094-61-7
Lagerung: NMN ist bei Raumtemperatur stabil und MINDESTENS 2 Jahre haltbar.
Bitte beachten Sie den Rabattcode (in der Artikelbeschreibung) beim Kauf von (mindestens) 5 Dosen.
Und werfen Sie unbedingt einen Blick auf unser neues Produkt: liposomales NMN!

€44,90 €59,90

Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

  • Sold Out

Warum Ginseng für ein Pferd? - Glas 240 g

Koreanischer schwarzer Ginseng - 240g Extraktflasche


Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

Warum Ginseng für ein Pferd? - Glas 50 g

Koreanischer schwarzer Ginseng - 50 g Extraktflasche


Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

150 g Trimethylglycin Pulver (Betain Pulver) - vorsorglich zu nehmen; wenn Sie NMN nehmen

150 g Trimethylglycin Pulver (Betain Pulver), CAS 107-43-7


Lieferzeit: 3-4 Tage

Beratung durch Gesine Mantel; Dipl.-Biologin und Verhaltenstherapeutin für Hunde (30 Min.)

Beratung durch Dipl.-Biol. Gesine Mantel, Verhaltenstherapeutin für Hunde
30 Minuten
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